Five billionaires who gained most wealth in 2024
The past year has made many Forbes list members even wealthier. Let's find out which of them earned the highest profits over the last 12 months and what contributed to their financial success.
The top list Best Global Brands which is made by the experts Interbrand can be completed by only public companies. Such aspects as tradename's influence on a buyer's choice, brand's profit share on intangible assets of the company, brand strength and the risks related to it are taken into consideration in estimating.
The tenth place accrued to an American brand General Electric – its cost got $43,1 billion in 2016 showed the rise by 2%.
GE is one of the oldest companies of USA, it was founded in 1878.
Number nine is a German automobile brand Mercedes-Benz. During the year its cost increased of 18%, achieved $43,49 billion.
Mercedes-Benz came to light for the first time in 1926. For many years it has gained iconic status among world automotive brands.
The eighth place went to young American brand Amazon (the year of foundation is 1994). According to the company's data (it gets its name from the river) during the year the brand's cost increased of 33% that amounts $50,3 billion.
South Korean technologic brand Samsung gets the seventh position – during the year its cost raised by 14% that achieved $51,8.
The group of companies Samsung Group was founded in 1938. Nowadays it's widely thought to be the largest in the country.
One more brand from USA — IBM — number 6. Its cost dropped to 19% over year that accounts $52,5 billion.
Today IBM is one of the largest producers of electrotechnical and electronic equipments in the world.
The second automobile brand of the list is Toyota. It tooks the fifth place. Its current cost amounts $53,58 billion, it increased of 9% over year.
Japanese Toyota Motor Corporation is the brightest member of the Land of the Raising Sun in automobile sector.
The legendary American brand Microsoft is in the fourth place. According to the company's figures its cost increased of 8% over year that accounts $72,8 billion.
Internationally known software producer was founded in 1975.
Top three is opened by Coca-Cola that is famous for non-alcoholic drink of the same name. During thirteen years the brand was uppermost in the list until 2013. Nevertheless it yields the position, according to the company's estimates its cost decreased of 7% and amounted $73,1 billion.
In the second place is Google. The brand's cost comes up impressive $133,3 billion (it increased of 11% over year).
The palm of victory is kept by American tecnologic brand Apple. Today its cost accounts $179,1 billion (it increased of 5% over year). Apple smartphones are the most desirable product among the majority of customers.
The past year has made many Forbes list members even wealthier. Let's find out which of them earned the highest profits over the last 12 months and what contributed to their financial success.